Financial Independence is What You Make of It
Planning & Lifestyle
Mike Hines, CFP®, Founder, CPC
August 19, 2024

Financial Independence is What You Make of It

You’ve no doubt recently celebrated America’s independence – and I hope you and your family had fun together. Thinking about July 4th made me think about our clients (though to be honest, I’m always thinking about our clients) and their financial independence.

Recently, my wife and I were at the lake house of a client. He was fueling his passion by composing and playing some original music in the sound studio he had built below the house. The room had every instrument and cool gadget you could imagine: pianos, guitars, drums, computers, monitors, mics, digital mixing contraptions and more, all in a space with perfect acoustic sound.

He calls it his dream music studio. I call it his financial independence.

It is the dream we work so hard for our clients to achieve but what exactly is financial independence? The answer is different for everybody. For some, it means never having to worry about running out of money. For others, it’s retiring and playing golf every day. For still others, it’s having the freedom to form a new business, dabble in real estate or get involved in a cause close to your heart.

However, you define financial independence… it’s YOUR dream. Now our job is to get to know you, think strategically about your personal goals, crunch the numbers, do the long-term planning, and cultivate a relationship that helps you navigate life’s ups and downs ultimately taking you to where you want to go.

Whether it be collecting art, creating a legacy, supporting a cause, or having the time to write that song, we know from many of our clients over the years that financial independence can take you to some cool places.

We look forward to helping you get there. In the meantime, have a great summer, get out there and make some music.

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